Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thank you, Lindt!

I've recently (well, in the past year) discovered the joy of dark chocolate. I started off with a 70% bar, then eventually worked my way up to 85%. I was perfectly happy with that until about 15 minutes ago. The History Channel aired a program on the history and process of chocolate production. As the camera panned across a selection of Lindt products, one very special bar caught my eye. I couldn't believe it...99% cocoa!!

In proper internet-junkie fashion, I googled it. Yes, it does exist, but in the US it's only sold in Lindt stores. So, of course I had to find out where THAT was: Toledo, Ohio (about 1-1/2 hours away). I think I'll be stopping there on my next trip down south.

I also found this delightful blog of one taster's experience: (Oh, btw, I don't think that is fully compatible with my Mac - I think that's why I can't get hyperlinks to work. Just my latest theory...)

1 comment:

christianna said...

99!?!? you are kidding me!! i need to find that place. my mouth is watering just reading your blog ... mmm ...