Saturday, November 3, 2007

meet Jimmy Page

I bought a 2003 Land Rover Freelander SE3. I know. I KNOW. It's impractical. It's expensive to maintain. It's an ecoterrorist's vehicle. It's not all that reliable...

But it's YELLOW.

And it's a CONVERTIBLE (a lot of good that's going to do me in a fast-approaching Detroit superwinter!)

I spent some time bonding with the vehicle to determine (1) its gender and (2) its name. For some folks, a yellow car would necessarily be a female. But I got a metrosexual male vibe from it. Then came the fun part - naming him. I knew I wanted to go with a proper English name. I was just about settled on "Van Morrison" when I realized that he's Irish. THAT would be a faux pas of enormous proportions. A friend of mine suggested Nigel or Lindsay - both respectable English names. Then it hit me - "Jimmy Page." Led Zeppelin was, of course, English. They wrote a song called "The Rover" (on the Physical Graffiti album). And Mr. Page has never been considered the most "butch" of men due to his long hair, thin frame, and artsy clothing choices. (Three of the reasons I adore him, btw, besides the fact that he's one of the world's great guitar gods.) So that settled it - I drive a Land Rover named Jimmy Page. And I'm deliriously happy about it.


TracyS. said...

It suits you. Why? Because it's YELLOW!

christianna said...

i loves your yellow car!! super fun!