Saturday, November 3, 2007

music recommendation

Apropos (my new favorite word) of the previous post, you must, must, MUST hear Robert Plant's new album.*** It's an album of duets with Alison Krauss (so it's technically "Robert Plant and Alison Krauss's new album"...). Need I say more??! If, for some strange reason, that doesn't convince you to log onto iTunes post-haste, read the BBC review (I'm still trying to figure out how to add a hyperlink to my post -sorry!):

I bought it (on iTunes) the day it came out, and I can't stop listening to it. So what are you listening to these days?

*** Why do I, who grew up in the age of cassette tapes and am now living in the digital age, use the word "album"? Because I grew up listening to classic rock stations whose DJs used the word. And I think it's more dignified. So, since my writing ALWAYS reflects the most dignified language (he he) AND because so much of the music I learned to love as a young 'un was originally released on vinyl, I'll stick with the outdated "album," thank you very much.

1 comment:

christianna said...

to add a hyperlink, just highlight the word where you want to link, then click the button on the blogger toolbar next to the big T (which changes the font color). the link button looks like a globe with a chain link on it. then just copy and paste the address or type it in manually. :) enjoy!

happy hyperlinking!!